Wednesday, 25 May 2016

I'm NOT busy

I have noticed recently that when you go up to a checkout at supermarket/shop often the phrase that is used instead of, ”Hello” is “You having a busy day?”  It just rolls off their tongue and they are not really wanting to know or even expecting an answer.  It is similar to people greeting you with, “How are you?”.  If you stopped and actually told them, it would not be acceptable.  No one really wants to know the answer, it has just become a normal greeting phrase.

I am starting a personal campaign.  When I am asked in a public setting, “Are you busy?” I will answer, with something like, “No, I am not thanks.”  The reaction is interesting.  Mostly it seems to invoke shock in the other person as they are so used to hearing, ‘Yes I am!”, “Crazy, frantic – so much to do!! “
Why has this become the norm, the expected response or state of mind?

I have struggled over the years from “DOING” rather than "BEING".  I filled my day with so much doing.   My close friends have pointed out that I haven’t stopped to spend time with them, because there is not space in my diary for them!  Not good!
Jesus said, John 10:10 “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”, but I am sure he didn’t mean it in this way.  Full doesn’t equate to being busy – it means, in fullness, complete, lacking nothing, whole.  

When you are doing something you love it brings you alive – you may have lots to get done in a day, but you are not overwhelmed with that feeling of busyness because you are living out of your passion and are energized.  When we are in a place where we are truly being who God made us to be, when we are living out of the unique calling He has for us, our days may be full but we are not busy and stressed out because we are doing what He created us to do.

Sounds simple doesn’t it!  But why do we struggle with it so much?  Why do we find it hard at times to work out who God has made us to be, to understand and claim our uniqueness and live from it? 

Sometimes the easier option seems to be adding even more things to the to-do list that we never should have put on there - they were not ours to pick up.

Jesus said, Matthew 11: 28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

He wants to remove the excess that we shouldn’t be carrying, and show us how to find rest. When we are walking in His plan for us, the yoke and burden of our responsibility should have an easiness and lightness. We may have things to get done, but we can thrive and feel alive with a sense of purpose.

Our society is very good at putting labels on us and placing us into boxes that we are expected to aspire and live up to.  We teach young people to be well rounded and good at lots of things, to get to an acceptable level in everything rather than focus on what is right/unique about the way God them and what they are created to do.  So when they get to adulthood we see adults running about, busy, trying to be good at everything, and living with an overarching feeling of weariness. 

Maybe God really only wants you to have one thing on your plate and be excellent at that.  Maybe that is your calling. 
Are you feeling busy?  Do you have a smorgasbord on your plate rather than a la carte? 

Here are a few things that have worked, and continue to work in my life:

1. Intimacy with your Creator.  Spending time with your Father God keeps you clear and in perspective.  He is the only one who knows you better than you know yourself, and loves you unconditionally and perfectly, only wanting the best for your life. 

2. Mentoring – allow someone to challenge you and ask you questions like, “Why is this on your plate?”  or, “Are you meant to be holding on to that?”.  This could be in a formal setting with a mentor/supervisor, or by being part of a community committed to one another and willing to intentionally invest in the care and development of each another. 

3. Get to know yourself – you are created perfectly for the plan and purpose God has for your life – there is no mistake in the way you are wired.      
I have just trained as a Strengths Finder Coach.  This is an assessment tool that explores your unique personality and what is right about you.  In journeying with people using this tool, I get to see God unlock areas in their lives as they gain understanding into their natural thoughts, feelings and behaviours and how they interact with others.  They discover that God has wired them in a unique way for their unique purpose and that living in that brings them the greatest joy and fulfillment. 

So, if you find your answer to, "Are you having a busy day?" is often, "yes, crazy busy!", and you're feeling stressed out; then maybe take some time to be with your Father, talk with a trusted friend/mentor, or lay down some things that are not yours to carry. 

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” ― Catherine of Siena